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Daniellas Bureau; A Fanfic & Desktop Site

Post Episode: The Ticket.

She found him in a crouch by her door, one of roommates' felines nestled in his lap, purring under absent-minded stroking fingers.

He looked up at her arrival, one quick glance, complete with eye contact; before looking back down at the cat once more.

She ignored for the moment the sweetness of this picture before her, and instead focused on the look in his eyes which, either consciously, or unconsciously, he had just conveyed to her. She saw for the second time that day how tired he was and wondered again why no one else had noticed but herself.

"I can't hire you," he began suddenly, still looking at the cat. "Not because I don't want to, but because I can't have you working for me again. I can't have you, can't bear another eight years not being able to do anything about what I feel for you. You once said I would find you valuable. Well, you're irreplaceable to me. So go to the campaign headquarters and ask for Lou, not me. I want you on the campaign, but not under me."

She knelt infront of him, leaned forward and stopped his declaration with her lips. He had said all that needed to be said. From now on they were one.

The End.

© Danielle Harwood-Atkinson 2021. All rights reserved.

Daniellas Bureau; A Fanfic & Desktop Site