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Daniellas Bureau; A Fanfic & Desktop Site

Padmé stared at the patient within the room before her, concern for his welbeing outweighing every other trouble that resided about the galaxy at present. Inside the Temple they were protected from those who wished to harm them, yet they were not immune from danger, as she had come to learn since seeking sanctuary here, after the Chancellor and Anakin killed each other in a duel within the executive office, revealing to the galaxy the true nature of them both.

She had not realised how much Obi-Wan cared for her, until the crisis of childbirth came to an end, the pain of labour causing her to pass out. He had feared losing her, so much so that it reduced him to his current state, a pale shadow of his former self. Upon regaining consciousness she learned of his breakdown and subsequent removal to this room, where his condition could be monitored until he recovered.

It was the hope of the council that a visit from her might prove to be the cure to wake him from this state.

Padmé opened the door and stepped inside. For a moment she stood upon the threshold, taking in the sight of him unhindered by the small view which the door had afforded her. Then cautiously she advanced towards the crouched figure, until she could kneel beside him and touch her lips to his.

It was not too long before he kissed her back.

© Danielle Harwood-Atkinson 2021. All rights reserved.

Daniellas Bureau; A Fanfic & Desktop Site