Author: Kenobi2009

This story is a continuation of an OVOC story posted back in 2009 by the late Liz Kenobi. To read and understand this continuation, you must have first read Liz's story to which this is the link.

I'll Wait For You II: Reunion

Even as they were making their way to the transport, he was still trying to convince him to let him stay.

“Come on, Master.” Anakin Skywalker pleaded helplessly. His eyes darted from the transport bay to Obi-Wan and back again. “I've told you how I feel when I'm around other Padawans. They always look at me with awe, but keep their distance. Please, Obi-Wan. Let me stay here.”

Silent for the majority of the time down here, Obi-Wan finally turned his head to regard Anakin calmly. “Anakin, you know that how the other Padawans feel does not matter. You are a Jedi. How they feel shouldn't matter to you.”

Anakin lowered his head, and his voice. “You just don't want to disobey an order from the Jedi Council.”

Obi-Wan turned abruptly, turning on his heels. His mouth was compressed into a tight line as he glared down at Anakin. Anakin, naturally, was avoiding his gaze stubbornly. He was quite determined to get Obi-Wan to change his mind and allow him to stay at the Temple. Before saying something that he'd surely regret, Obi-Wan crushed his angry retort and exhaled softly. “No, Anakin. That's not the case. I happen to agree with the Council. Your assignments with other Padawans has been quite light. Just finish this assignment, and I'm sure that you'll be done with them for a while, at least.”

After a moment, Anakin finally met his relaxed gaze. “Do you think you could tell them that when I come back?”

Obi-Wan's upper lip twitched. “We'll see how you do, Anakin. Perhaps if you behave yourself and get along with the other apprentices, I'll see if I could put in a recommendation that you are assigned to other duties.”

Anakin smiled slowly, nodding once. “I'll be on my best behaviour, Master. I promise.”

“Good.” Obi-Wan returned the smile gently, resuming the small walk towards the shuttle where the other apprentices were already boarding. “Besides, I thought you liked Master Ki-Adi-Mindi.”

“I like him well enough.” Anakin said solemnly. His demeanour had quickly changed from that of dreaded anticipation to resigned resentfulness. He now knew that there was no way to back out of this assignment and was going to be very angry with Obi-Wan upon his return home.

Sensing this, Obi-Wan exhaled again. The apprentices ahead of them seemed to share Anakin's weariness. Once they felt them approaching, they quickly looked down and went back to their duties. Obi-Wan turned his head and murmured to Anakin, “It's not for long.”

Anakin shrugged. In reality, he was simply adjusting his rucksack, but Obi-Wan took it that he was still well and fully angry. “Good-bye, Master.” Anakin said, bowing his head. “May the Force be with you.”

Obi-Wan glanced over to the transport once again. Master Mundi had appeared on the landing ramp and was waving Anakin inside from afar. Obi-Wan inclined his head in a return bow. “And with you, Anakin. Remember: be on your best behaviour. Master Mundi will give me a full report upon your return.”

Nodding, Anakin darted towards the transport without looking back. Content that his apprentice was in safe hands, Obi-Wan departed the transport pool and headed back towards the Council Chamber. They had said that once Anakin was away, he was going to be given an assignment. One that Anakin wasn't supposed to know about. What could this be about? Obi-Wan mused to himself, nodding towards any Jedi who greeted him on his way up. Whatever it was, it had to be important.

Once the doors opened to the Council Chamber, Obi-Wan walked into the centre of the room. He inclined his head in a bow, not realising that there was only two Council members present. He managed to contain his alarm. “Master Yoda. Master Windu.” He said calmly. “You requested my presence once Anakin was well on his way?”

“Important it was, that young Skywalker not know of this assignment.” Master Yoda said. “Worrisome is his attachment to this woman.”

Obi-Wan blinked. “Forgive me, Masters. I still don't know what my assignment is.”

“Queen Amidala of Naboo's term as Queen has come to a close. She's been offered a seat in the Senate, and has taken the offer.” Master Windu said cautiously. “She's afraid that the Trade Federation might make a public move to assassinate her, once the news of her acceptance of the Senatorial seat is made public.”

Obi-Wan managed to stay perfectly still as Master Windu mentioned the name Amidala. Obi-Wan flashed back to that day on Naboo, some eight years ago. That day when she left him yearning for more. The day she left him without letting him say what was on his mind. He closed his eyes briefly, pretending to recollect some sort of political information.

In reality, he was trying to forget the rush of emotion that her name caused. The feeling of her lips on his. He opened his eyes quickly, looking from Master Windu to Master Yoda. “And the Jedi have offered her protection?” He asked inquisitively.

Master Yoda was the first to shake his head. “Asked for protection, she has.” His old gaze narrowed. “More specifically, for you, Master Kenobi.”

Obi-Wan raised an uncertain eyebrow. “For my protection?” He asked dubiously. “Specifically?”

“You are to report to the Senatorial Apartments immediately.” Master Windu said, his expression almost a mirror to Master Yoda's. They did not approve of this, but were simply complying with Padmé 's wishes. Senator Amidala's wishes. Obi-Wan corrected himself. I must remember that. “How long has she requested my protection for?” Obi-Wan asked finally. “Surely she does not wish this to be a prolonged assignment?”

“She has asked for protection for her first couple of negotiations. Once you've acquainted yourself, she'll make preparations to have herself announced as the new Senator of the Chommell sector. Her schedule will quickly fill up, and you'll accompany her until she feels safe.” Master Windu said, his tone flat. “Anything else?”

Obi-Wan quickly shook his head. “No, Masters. I understand my assignment. I shall give you regular reports.” He bowed at the waist. “I shall be on my way.”

Not long after departing the Council Chamber, Obi-Wan received the exact address of Padmé's apartment. He committed it to memory and made his way to the transport pool, where he picked a common speeder and made his way to the Apartments, which were always within sight of the Temple. As they got closer, Obi-Wan felt a small knot tighten in his stomach as he thought about seeing Padmé after all this time. Surely she hadn't forgotten the way she had left things.

I care about you, Obi-Wan. I felt you deserved to know that. I will think of you often. I want you to be happy.

He could still hear her voice, barely above a whisper. The sincerity in her eyes. Her gentle touch. Her lips against his. And her goodbye that left him with words unsaid. Words that, against his better judgement, still wanted to say to her when he saw her. He shook his head. He couldn't bring them up. He didn't even know if she still felt the same way. Eight years had passed, after all. That was certainly long enough for someone to fall in love with someone else. She must've forgotten all about him.

Or had she?

Obi-Wan shook his head, pushing away those thoughts. He was approaching the coordinates and such thoughts would be a distraction. He needed to stay focused. Padmé Amidala had requested his protection. That's all. No more. No less. She wouldn't want to live memories from the past. She had a very dangerous present to live in. Nodding once to himself, Obi-Wan commended himself to that attitude and knew that he'd be able to make it through the mission as long as he kept his mind on that.

It was completely different when he was being escorted into Padmé's apartment and told to have a seat and she'd be right with him. He felt a sudden tug beneath his heart and it skipped a beat as he felt, finally, her beautiful presence within the Force was approaching. He stood up slowly, his head inclined in a bow as he heard her inhale softly. He slowly made himself look up.

She looked like she hadn't aged a day.

She was more beautiful than he remembered in his memory.

Before she could say anything, Obi-Wan said properly: “Congratulations on your appointment, Senator Amidala.” His upper lip twitched into a small smile. “It's a pleasure to see you again.”

He tensed slightly as she approached, not deterred by his greeting. She got closer, and closer, and closer with each step. Please stop. Obi-Wan found himself begging. Please keep the past in the past.

She stopped just before him, her eyes seemingly watery. Her hand reached out, and she cupped his cheek. “Master Kenobi.” She said at last. “I've missed you.”

So much for keeping the past the past. Obi-Wan sighed to himself. He felt himself lean into her hand reflexively, shamefully. “How about, just for tonight, we keep things on a first name basis. Forget just for tonight, that you're a Jedi Knight, and I'm a newly appointed Senator.” Padmé continued, her voice soft and caressing. Obi-Wan felt himself wilt from the warmth of her voice, and nodded almost without hesitation.

Her hand retracted and realisation dawned. Had he forgotten that it was now his mandate to protect this woman? Not have a friendly catching up dinner with her? He shook his head. “Senator Amidala, forgive me. As nice as a dinner sounds, I was sent here by the Jedi Council on the premise that you asked for Jedi protection until the news of your acceptance as Senator had blown over. Now, if you could please tell me where your security station is, I shall make sure that everything is in order, and that you're safe.”

She blinked several times before her lips compressed into a tight, thin line. After a moment, her tense posture eased. “Obi-Wan. As I'm sure you are aware, I made it very clear that I wanted your protection specifically. Now that you are here, my Security Captain has already activated the recently upgraded security system and we are well and truly safe inside this apartment.”

Obi-Wan folded his arms and regarded Padmé coldly. “There are plenty ways to kill a Senator.” He said, his voice as cold as he could allow it. He needed to put some distance between himself and the new Senator from Naboo. He needed to go away for a few minutes, meditate. Find his centre. Calm his rapidly beating heart and close it off from the influence of this woman whom had captured him in a kiss so long ago.

And never truly let him go from it.

But it was already too late. By accepting his assignment, he'd doomed himself.

Padmé smiled sympathetically

“I’ll make sure they put some extra wine out.”

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